Thursday, January 5, 2012

Playing Around

I've been playing around with different widgets....very time consuming; especially when you don't have any idea what you are doing.  I like my fish, mindless to feed imaginary fish--somewhat calming.  I found this daily mile tracker so we will see how that works.  I type in what I do on their website and it automatically uploads to the blog.  What you will never see is a daily weight tracker from me---not going to happen.

Enjoying these furlough days this week; although it is really our kids that will be hurt from this.  I know their reading levels will drop at least one maybe two levels from all of this time off.  All they have done for the past 15 days is run wild; too much to ask for anyone to pick up a book.  Oh it goes.

I have literally gone through everything in my house on this level.  I have a gigantic stack of things to give away to the thrift store tomorrow.  We have taken 5 bags of books to donate to the library so far.  I'm just tired of stuff I never use and too much stuff.  It's getting where I can't breathe...less is my new motto.  We are tearing up the downstairs and therein lies the new challenge.  That is where all of our storage stuff is located.  So we will be going through things and getting rid of more stuff.  I have to empty all of the kitchen cabinets downstairs for they will be pulled down after hunting season is over. 

It's been a cleansing experience for me though; finally being able to let go of things.  Realizing that something material does not represent people that I love.  The memories are in my heart not what I hold in my hands.  God has also been dealing with me, head on, with things in my life.  But that will come another talk about.

Work starts Monday and my online class starts Monday.  I made a 99. something in my first class that I took.  I worked my tush off in that class...but without all of the drama.  Anything good comes out of this is strictly God working.  I'm probably the only person who gets excited because I got to order 4 books for this class that starts on Monday. 

Happy Birthday to my daughter who is a quarter of a century old today, that's 25 years.  She is my best friend; but not during her childhood.  Remember parents, parent your children and the pay off of friendship comes later in life.  To everything there is a season and that's a good thing.

What's something you have gotten rid of this year?

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