Monday, January 2, 2012

I Vote For Hezekiah

I love this new king I met this morning in the book of 2nd Kings.  His dad fathered him when he was only eleven; and was an evil king.  But his son, Hezekiah, turned out alright.  When he took over the kingdom he actually went in and tore down all of the high places.  He didn't leave a one standing.  He wasn't afraid of what the people would do to him because he put his total trust in God.  Awesome!

I've only read one chapter so far and I'm very impressed.  I noticed that he prayed....a lot!  He wouldn't make one move without spending time with the Lord seeking direction.  Spending time...alone; that happened to be the message yesterday.  Making time, without distractions, to seek God for your life, your direction, and your restoration.  

I can't get the phrase "high places" out of my head.  I know I have some of my own that need to be removed; probably some that I'm not aware exist in my life.  So I pray, "Remove the high places in my life...those things that I give my attention to and therefore take away from You."

We are going through "things" in our house, since we are renovating the downstairs.  I'm at the point now where I want to simplify.  The need to hold "things" close to me is passing.  I took home some things of my grandmother last week to give to my mom.  I don't have to have her things close by to bring me comfort.  I kept a few and then gave the rest away.  

Live today with an awareness of what is around you.  In what ways can you simplify?

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

Happy New Year. Hope you have a fabulous 2012!