Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year to Me

I absolutely love this time of year; there is just something about discarding the old and embracing the new.  I love all of the diet infomercials, the magazines with weight loss articles, and I noticed that Wal-mart had the largest display of Special K cereal I've ever seen.  I'm sitting here fooling around with the blog...changing formats and directions; when I really need to be in the kitchen organizing two cabinets that was on my to do list for today.

But then I'm thinking who makes a to do list on New Years Day?  So I will continue messing around with the blog and at some point hook into Hulu and watch The Office on this laptop.  I had a great Christmas!  It's hard for me to understand why people get stressed out over this holiday.  I only put up a tree this year...didn't feel like getting any decorations out because I didn't feel like putting them away.  And that is worked for me this year.  

I haven't used my Christmas dishes in years; they are on display but it seems like we are so busy that I never get around to using them.  But they are there for the year when they finally get to leave the china cabinet.  I attended three services the weekend of Christmas and that was a good way to focus on the holiday. son said are useless because if you were determined to change it doesn't take a "special" day for it to happen.  Well he is right but still, I love resolutions and I have made some which actually started before the holidays.  I guess you could call it a changing of the mindset and no I'm not going to share.

I get to become a grandma this year and I am really looking forward to it.  Aging doesn't bother me but people's concept of aging does.  I don't want to be ordinary, sedentary, and being crammed into a stereotype when it doesn't fit me at all.  Besides...I'm only; that's not old.  I don't mind becoming older but I refuse to become old.

So what resolutions have you made today?

1 comment:

Retta said...

It's been said that age doesn't matter unless you're a wine or cheese! LOL!

I'm glad you enjoyed the holidays, I did, too.

Ha ha ha, how'd your son get so smart!

Happy New Year to you,