Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Don't Do It........

I saw a friend of mine last night whom I haven't seen in awhile.  I did a double take......she was at least twenty pounds thinner.

"What's going on?" I gasped...really...she looked great.

"I've been going to Weight Watchers and it really does work.  Plus I go to Curves and I'm involved in a running program at the park."

I'll admit, the little green bug was biting me...and hard.  I was jealous.  I'm younger....I should look better than someone older; even if it's not by much.  Part of me wanted to stop by the W.W. that night and beg they let me in to start my awesome back to good health plan.  But then the other part of me really focused on what she was saying....She spends a lot of time and focus on this plan.  W.W. is twice a week, curves daily, and the running program twice a week....after work. 

Plus, I don't know if I would like counting everything I ate into points.  I don't like skim cheese...I want the real thing.  I like butter on my popcorn....I don't even buy margarine. I couldn't even be consistent with the Spark Program online; I got tired of it after awhile.

Then Joyce Meyers this morning was talking about not following someone else's desire if it's not your own.  That you should listen to what is best for you; not because others are doing it.  Who told Joyce M. about my dilemma?   That was freaky....so I'm writing this during my lunch minute (teachers eat by minutes) and have decided I will not invest the money for the W.W. program.

But it did serve as a motivator....I mean really.  Maybe I'll start my own program and put my initials on the door!

1 comment:

Retta said...

"...not following someone else's desire if it's not your own. That you should listen to what is best for you; not because others are doing it."

Loved that! I'll admit... recently I've gotten soooo tired of feeling pounded by other wt loss bloggers, who insist it must be done THIS way or THAT way... because that is what is working for THEM.

But, it caused me to stop, and like you, consider that I need to do what is best for ME.

Let's both do that! God was so good to bring you that information, right at the perfect timing. I loved reading that... gave me a big smile. :-)