Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Caught in the Storm

Rule #3:  Don't Make Major Decisions During a Storm

No one's entire life is like one big, long sunny day.  At some point, we all face storms.  If I have learned anything about weathering the storms of life, I have learned that they don't last forever, and if at all possible, I do not need to make major decisions in the midst of them.

When the storms of life arise, it's best to keep your mind and emotions as still as possible.  We must remain calm and discipline ourselves to focus on doing what we can do and trusting God to do what we cannot do.
"Let emotions subside before you decide."  Do your best to let things settle down before you make major decisions.

What do you consider your biggest mental or emotional challenge when storms arise in your life?  Is it fear, anxiety, impatience, over-reacting, or something else?  Determine today to wait on wisdom and not respond emotionally or out of panic and fear.  (Joyce Meyer-Power Thoughts)

It started last weekend, trying to work on these projects for this media class I'm taking.    I was told by the director of the program to begin with this class-cataloging.  Little did I know that this class is one that is taken by those who are finishing the program.  I've completed everything up to date--until I came across these three major projects--due this Thursday.  I had no idea what they were or how to even begin working on them.

So last Sunday I had a melt-down.  After talking with my husband I decided to just quit--walk away from it.  I e-mailed my professor that morning and felt nothing but relief.  Until Monday--when the phone rang and it was my professor.  Immediately I had a flashback of elementary school traumas--but made myself pick up the phone to speak with her.  She implored me not to quit, acknowledged the fact that I should not have been placed in this class, and said she would work with me, allowing me more time to complete these last three projects.  We spent some time talking and the conversation ended with me not quitting and attending class this Thursday--tomorrow.

Tuesday morning during my quiet time I'm sitting in my chair--thinking, when I hear this quiet voice speaking to me.

"You never asked Me."


"Not one time were you on your knees asking Me for direction.  You threw up fleeting phrases of prayer--but you never spent time seeking My direction."

"You're right, this was major and I let my emotions make the decision for me."  

I got a mental picture of the Lord grabbing me by shirt and spinning me around to say, "No, I do not want you to quit.  This is the direction you are to go in."  The professor didn't have to call, in fact very unusual for that to happen.  If she hadn't called, this would have been the end of this media degree for me.  So I will finish this class and move forward.

Wednesday morning I needed to contact a middle school media specialist to complete my lab hours.  I immediately started making decisions--then stopped.  "What do you want Lord?"  I am learning!

1 comment:


I'll have to be the first to admit that I too try to make decisions before seeking God's guidance - and usually realize it after the fact, when things are going so wrong or difficult!!

Praying that God will see you through this!!
