Wednesday, January 11, 2012


In Hong Kong there are so many poor people that they have to live in cages.  The cages are stacked on top of each other inside an apartment.  All of their belongings are kept inside the cage and from this picture you can tell it's not much.

They are called the "cage people" and these cages are packed inside million dollar high rise apartments.  The journalist had a hard time locating them because the city doesn't want the world to know they exist.  They have to pay $200 a month for the privilege of living in a cage alongside countless others.  They will cram as many as they can get inside one apartment.

The journalist said that these people (cage dwellers) were living in utmost despair--but still managed to try and maintain some type of dignity.  They considered this better than living on the streets.

How many times I've been discouraged with my home because of its age or lack of what I consider to be upscale?  But no more, it started several years ago when I went to Uruguay and saw people living in a cow pasture.  They used old car seats as furniture and hooked up lines to the city's electricity.  But it was a community living right dab in the middle of a cow pasture.  And now this....

Just another reason we should look at people with eyes of Christ.  You never really know what people go through.  Hopefully because of this exposure, something might be done to help.

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