Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dear October

Dear October,

I am so was September and the next thing I knew I wrote and it was November!  I skipped you in your entirety, as far as writing goes.  But you know that you were a good month for me.  A month of changes...changes in the weather....changes in the season... and changes in me.

Personally, I like your month...leaves changing, summer finally lets go of it's hold, and you bring a breath of fresh air into the room.  I was good in your month, came out of it a little bit stronger and maybe a tad bit wiser.  I have finally realized that it is time to loosen my hold, never release, on my children.  We were visiting my son a couple of weeks ago..during your time and I brought 2 or was it 3 crates of food to him.  My husband thought I had lost my mind and maybe I did; but there was this need in me to take care of him.

We arrived at his apartment and when he saw all of the food he had a shocked look on his face and said, "Mama what are you doing?"  Okay..okay...that was a little over the edge, one of those learning channel reality show moments.  But I realized time to loosen and let them grow.

My class is going well...busy and it's the hardest I've ever worked....but no meltdowns.  This time it's the Lord and I taking it.  I sounds strange but I prayed over this last summer before I started.  I'm aware it doesn't make sense in these times to be taking classes..but it's really the direction God wants me to take at this time.  I have a project due and I literally say, "Come on Lord, we have this due and I have no idea how to go about it, I need Your help."  

Let's see....I enjoyed the candy that the stores put out in July; but I held on and didn't buy it until you arrived.  I do have to apologize though for one of our radio stations that decided this year to start 24 hour Christmas music on your last day...Halloween!  Out of respect for you...I waited until November the first before I cranked it up.

Thanks for a great month!  If I get the privilege of going around one more time...I'll see you next year!


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