Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another Year...

Well Happy Birthday to me!  I can't believe how fast this year has been; seems like yesterday I was blowing out my candles on my 50th.  I'm not having a cake this year and it's really freaking people out.

"No, I'm not depressed, suicidal, and I really do mean that I don't want a cake."

So I'm reading the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and it got me to thinking about some things.

I can close my eyes and see myself kneeling by my bed when I was ten.  I'm praying for my grandparents to be saved and making a bargain with God that if it takes my life to make this happen...then so be it.  I always had a deep burden for them yet never really came out face to face with talking to them.  I used letters, books, and would talk to them in other ways....but never got my Bible out and witnessed to them.  Go figure....it bothers me now.  But it's in the past...all I can do is learn and move on.

I look back and think about all of the blessings that I have been allowed to have in my life.  Yes, there were rough times but I've learned from them.  I wish I would have picked my battles in life.  Battles that might be worth the emotion that I spent.  I can remember the emotion, anger, and self-pity---but I can't remember the battles. 

Always...looking back wished I would have been a more godly parent; but I will gladly claim God's Mercy and Grace on that one.

I was thinking the other day that if I died today, (maybe not today since it's my birthday...that would really be sad) I can say it's really been good.

Life is good...God has blessed me in so many ways.  I have a lot of changes coming up this year.  A son finally moving to Atlanta, a new grandchild on the way, and who knows what is coming around the corner.  That's what makes life exciting...especially when the Lord is going before you lighting the way.

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Happy Birthday to you and may you have many more. You have been a real blessing to my life. Like the sister I never had. I love you!