Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week in Review

It's been a good week.  The students came last Monday so we already have a week under our belts---oh wait they don't wear belts.  I almost have my role and will begin classes one day this week.  I love working with the kids...there is something about them that makes things seem right--sometime.  I'm lucky in a way because I get to see children who don't have the "shield" up yet.  Or at least the majority of them don't for a few more years.

I'm in charge of dismissal at our school and a mother came in wanting to speak to her child's teacher.  What's the teacher's name?  She didn't know.  What grade is your child in?  She couldn't remember.  But she does remember that the teacher is black!  I told her half the teachers there are black...not going to help.  They had to key in her child's name to get the grade-then the teacher's name.  You can't make this stuff up.

I've had to put myself on t.v. restriction in the mornings after I run.  I have to leave by seven in the morning and I found myself wanting to watch the news.  So I'm in my little work far so good.

My parents finally got rid of their pager...and both got cell phones.  Unbelievable!  I told my mother they were the only people in America who even had a pager.  I just called my dad on his cell phone and he never answered.  Then he calls me back because he finally found his phone.  He couldn't understand why I didn't just call the house phone; he had forgotten he had a cell phone.  You can't make that stuff up either.  If I was a traveling comedian...I'd be rich; there is so much material around me.

A man in church this morning was talking about his summer mission trip.  He was older and use to build houses thirty years ago.  He said that he really didn't want to go and told the Lord that he had forgotten how to build.  The Lord responded that it wasn't the ability He was looking for; it was the availability.  I liked that.....we just need to be available for Christ to use; that's it--He will take care of the rest.

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

We just have 3 days with kids under our belt. Coming upon our first full week! Hope it's going well!