Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Don't Give Up

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.  Galatians 6:9

No matter how bad the condition of your life and mind, don't give up!  Regain the territory the devil has stolen from you.  If necessary, regain it one inch at a time, always leaning God's Grace and not on your own ability to get the desired results. 

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.  Isaiah 43:2

The way God helps us make spiritual progress is by being with us to strengthen and encourage us to "keep on keeping on" in rough times.  It's easy to quit--it takes faith to go through. 

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19

There are thousands upon thousands of thoughts presented to us everyday.  The mind has to be renewed to follow after the Spirit and not the flesh.  Our carnal minds have had so much practice operating freely that we don't have to use any effort to think wrong thoughts.

We have to purposely choose right thinking.  After we have finally decided to be like-minded with God, then we will need to choose and to continue to choose right thoughts.  Our thoughts become our words.  It is vitally important that we choose life-generating thoughts.  When we do, right words will follow.  (Joyce Meyers--Battlefield of the Mind)

I've been reduced to just quoting scripture the last few days---I'm tired.  The date of my son leaving is fast approaching, getting ready to spend time in Ohio always sets me on edge--until I can get there and get settled in a different routine.  Then the doubts about starting this media program are pushing in--I have an appointment to meet with my adviser in July. Come to find out the college is almost two hours away--did I mention I have no sense of direction? 

I also will have to fight anxiety when I begin--I have personal space issues.  People at work think it's funny when I say it--my way of coping.  Trying to make a joke.  I had a Dr.'s appointment yesterday--the room was packed--and small--I almost just left.  I do a lot of self-talking at these times--and quoting, "I can do all things through Christ".

I had a dream last night when I finally could get to sleep, about a prayer meeting.  We were at church and they wanted people to get together to pray.  My husband left me to pray with the elders and nobody wanted to be with me, so I picked up a Good Housekeeping and started to read.  I felt cast out and alone--in my dream.  I have to laugh when I think about it because this is exactly where Satan wants to put me.  Right in the middle of my insecurities--he has pulled out all of the stops over the last few days.  I guess I must be making headway in my walk in Christ.

Okay so:

I am very excited about my son leaving--excited about something new happening here--a change.

I am looking forward to Ohio because it will allow me some time to work on a few projects.  I will get to be with my family and help them--which gives me satisfaction.

I know this media program is God directed--so His Grace will cover anything I can manage to conjure up.  Plus I know angels will be guiding my car--literally I believe it when I drive places.

As for personal space issues--at least I do go through it--I will not and do not let it keep me from doing.  Plus as I self-talk--people generally move away anyway--it makes them nervous!

Okay--let's move on--new day today and I choose life!

1 comment:

Retta said...

I'm excited, my DVD of Battlefield of the Mind came in the mail yesterday. :-D

Thanks for highlight it, I look forward to listening.