Monday, March 7, 2011

Meet Wisdom At The Intersections

We all face intersections in our lives.  They are our turning points, the places where we must make decisions.

Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding lift up her voice?  She takes her stand on the top of the high hill, beside the way, where the paths meet.  She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city, at the entrance of the doors.  Proverbs 8:1-3

In other words, wisdom is standing at every intersection of your life.  It is waiting for you at every point of decision in your life, and it is crying out, "Listen to me! Don't just do what you feel like doing.  Don't just say whatever you feel like saying.  Don't make your own decisions.  Follow God!  Obey His Word."

Seek God with all your heart instead of running to your friends, a talk-show host, a web-site, etc. for advice.  Go to God and His Word first, and don't automatically turn to the people and resources around you and ask them what you ought to do.  God may lead you to a person for advice or He may answer your prayer by speaking through someone, but it is best to honor Him by seeking Him first.

Think about this common scenario.  Often, when one person goes on a diet and loses weight, everyone around that person wants to know how he/she was so successful.  Then we try the same diet but do not get the same results.  Wouldn't we be better off to pray and ask God to give us wisdom about our own unique bodies, our appetites,and our nutritional needs, and let Him guide us in a plan that will be effective for each of us individually?

That's what I mean by seeking God instead of looking to other people for council.  God is the source of all wisdom.  What works for someone you know will not work for you unless God blesses it, so make sure you don't leave Him out of your plans.  When you have a decision to make, seek Him diligently, obey His leading, and follow His wisdom.  (Joyce Meyers-Happiness)

This concept really does work; I've put it into practice myself.  "Lord, show me where time is wasted during my day---make me aware of what I eat and how I can get healthier--show me if this is what you want me to pursue."  Seeking doesn't mean we throw up a prayer every now and then; but it's a commitment-a lifestyle that we choose to undertake.  It's also not easy--there is a wait time factor that is hard for us.  Much easier to text several people asking for their advice--instant answers.

If we get lost in the process we always have God's Word to guide us back onto the path!

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