Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week in Review

It's been a very strange week; one that has stepped out of the realms of normalcy.  I'm sitting with a group first thing Monday morning and I'm told that we are starting MAP testing.  This means that I have to test special ed students.  I'm sitting with a group--we have already started--oh, okay--so let me take them all back.  This is public education at work--no organization or information until the last second.

Oh, wait a minute--I've been reading "Power Thoughts"; I'll just use my plans for this week the week we come back from Thanksgiving break.  Moment--saved--thanks Joyce!

I had my class this week; you remember--the class the I quit and then didn't quit.  Everyone turned in all of the projects, I sat there feeling really silly.  She sat with me a few minutes after class, explained it and today I completed it.  I thanked her again for calling--need to take my own advice and look at the whole picture instead of bits and pieces.  Heard a song today saying what you thought was a mountain to climb was only a grain of sand.

Something else happened this week--lean a little closer--my son was going to the store and I asked him to get me a bag of Salt & Vinegar chips.  This is out of the ordinary for me because my food weakness is junk food.  I don't keep it in the house--but all of a sudden I'm dying for these chips.  The bag was gone by Thursday.

The Culprit
I woke up Friday looking like this:
Not My Lips
I'm thinking why are my lips so swollen--then it dawned on me.  I had consumed quite a large quantity of salt & vinegar.  I learned my lesson so well that at Sams that night I bought a two pound container of cheese balls--which I haven't had one in a year.

Yes, this is them!

I have managed to consume quite a lot in the past two days; to the point where it's hard to move my lips at all.  What is the point in all of this? 

There is none, it's been a rough week and I caved in big time!  This was just my week in review as it happened; next week should be better!

Better Choices Ahead

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