Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Holding On

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most Holy Faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 21

He exhorts them to preserving constancy in truth and holiness. (1) Building up yourselves in your most Holy Faith. The way to hold fast our profession is to hold on in it. Having laid our foundation well in a sound faith, and a sincere upright heart, we must build upon it, make further progress continually: and we should take care with what materials we carry on our building.

Right principles and a regular conversation will stand the test even of the fiery trial; but, whatever we mix of baser alloy (to debase by mixing with something inferior)though we be in the main sincere, we shall suffer loss by it, and though our persons be saved, all that part of our work shall be consumed; and if we ourselves escape, it will be with great danger and difficulty, as from a house on fire on every side. (Matthew Henry)

Jude was the brother of Christ and he wrote this letter to a region that was struggling with false teachers. We are not to be "shocked" when within a church there is struggle and division. Satan places his workers within the church to try and lead people away. Right principles and a regular conversation will stand the test; I like the simplicity of the Christian walk. I didn't say easy--but direct.

Looking Glass: I had supper with a friend that I haven't talked with in a year last night. It's amazing how with some people you can just pick back up where you left off. I'm hooked on playing games on Facebook--I don't know what is going on with this and yearning for green fingernail polish. But there is a kind of freedom as you get older; much to the dismay of my family.

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

Thanks for the post. :-)