Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 A Year in Review

The news channels are rehashing all of the stories from this past year. Most of them deal with the negative issues that has surrounded our country. I opened up the newspaper this morning and they had a page of celebrities that have passed away this year. So I thought I would write my own Year in Review:

Our daughter was married this past June and graduated from CSU in December. She has had some major milestones in her life this year. Four months into their marriage, her father-in-law suffered a stroke and she has been taking care of him. Her mother-in-law is now living with them. You don't know what a person is made of until hard times are upon them; I am very proud of my daughter--I have seen how God is working in her life--she is made of strong stuff!

I gained a new son this year and we are thankful. He is a blessing to our family and I know my daughter will always be taken care of. He is a kind man who honors his family--no doubt in my mind that he was placed by God for her.

I've seen my own son growing more into an adult. He is also a kind and generous person who would do anything for you. My prayer for him will be that he seeks the Lord's direction in his life.

My niece was diagnosed with breast cancer this year-very beginning stages--and she has finished her treatments. She has ministered to me with her positive attitude through-out the whole ordeal. She also is a woman of strong character.

Our family on both sides have been blessed this year. My grandfather will be 92 this year and his mind is strong. He claimed to be an atheist his whole life; when he was 87 my parents led him to the Lord. 87--God doesn't keep our timetable; which I am thankful for.

I have seen God's healing hands this year with my nephew's son, my niece, and my daughter's father-in-law. Jackie Sr. after his stroke was like a vegetable in intensive care. Now he is talking and learning to walk again; when you see him you know without a doubt God's hands were involved.

I am blessed with a wonderful husband that has always put others before himself. When I think of strong character I think of him; he is a godly man.

I started this blog with the intentions of chronicling my last year before I turned fifty. It has always been intended to be more of a devotional type blog--God has really used this to minister to me. I have more of an awareness of who I am in Christ and what our purpose is here on earth as Christians this year. It's not easy; when God works in your heart it can be painful. When your eyes are opened and you are able to look at your own heart--sometimes it's not pretty. But God delivers on His promises--If you seek Me you will find Me--

I'm starting in the book of Ruth this week and I'll leave you with these few verses. This is my prayer this year:

Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Ruth 1:16

Happy Last Day of 2009!


F. McButter Pants said...

You are a powerful writer. Enjoyed reading a few of your past posts as well as todays.

I appreciate your always thoughtful and encouraging comments.

I love how you are so Christ-Centered. I try hard to seek him daily. I can always do better.

Here's to the best year ever!

Retta said...

Thank you for sharing about your Grandfather being led to the Lord at 87!

I have a friend who's husband died 2 weeks ago. She is 62, and an avowed lifelong atheist. Even now she is resistant. But God knows the heart, and I know He is calling to her. Your story about your Grandfather was very encouraging to me, and I will keep praying, and leave her in His hands.

Lori Lynn said...

I appreciate your positive outlook on your life. It's very inspiring. Hope you have a blessed 2010! :-)

Joyce said...

Tough year, but God HAS BEEN FAITHFUL!