Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm Back

Wow!  I cannot believe that I have been gone for three--solid weeks.  We got back home last night around 12:30 a.m.--don't rub your eyes--you read correctly!  We left my parents after lunch and should have gotten home around 9:30 or 10:00 p.m.  As we were getting close to Knoxville the battery light kept coming on in the truck.  Not a good sign; so I said a prayer thinking all would be solved.

He decided to pull off and have it checked out before we went any further.  They said it was the alternator and Pep Boys down the road could help.  We drove, without air and praying the truck would make it, to Pep Boys.  They had one in stock and were able to fix the truck--I won't tell you how much but ouch!  So three hours later we are back on the road heading towards Georgia!

I assumed that because I prayed God would "heal" the truck and we would make it back home.  But that was my answer to the problem...He did answer but in a different way.  We saw so many blessings in the problem that you knew God was watching out for us. 

I had a productive visit; got all of the rooms cleaned but one.  We got several projects completed so that was good.  I actually learned a few things while I was gone:

**I can survive in a different routine; and this opens my eyes to maybe doing some things differently.

**It is possible to bite your tongue and swallow things that would undo any good that you were doing in the first place.

**I slept good in my twin bed from childhood--some things are nice to revisit.

**After living with my parents for over two weeks, I understand why I do some of the things that I do.

**I appreciate my good health; my mother suffers from muscle troubles and I can't remember a day that she hasn't been in pain.

**I can still get my sister in trouble; even though she is married and doesn't live at home.

**That my husband thinks keeping the sink spotless is cleaning the kitchen.  And it was spotless; need I mention that the floor was not swept for three weeks, counters had crumbs, and the stove was covered in grease?  But the sink was spotless!

**I can always count on him to wash the sheets and keep his laundry up to date.  Maybe it does the toilets good to go without scrubbing for three weeks?

So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you?  You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.  If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.  For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done unto you."  John 13:12-15

I can't help thinking that Christ's feet were tired and hurting.  He was on them constantly; walking and helping those along the way.  He was always pushing aside Himself to give an example to those who would be left behind and to the believers of the future.  To me--now--in this time.  To show us that our happiness does not depend on what we have but what we can give to others.  What can we do to make life's journey easier for another?  And in doing so, showing the world Christ and the Hope that He offers.

It's good to be home--for awhile!

1 comment:

Retta said...

Sounds like a productive trip on several levels... including mental, emotional and spiritual!

Welcome home. :-)