Monday, January 24, 2011

No Worries--The Trees Will Catch You!

Me--Climbing a Steep Mountain

Finally catching up after being away last weekend at Pigeon Forge.  My husband's side of the family (which I consider my own) have rented a lodge for the past seventeen years during the Martin Luther King weekend.  It's the only time we really get to spend time with each other--I love it!

My sister-in-law and I took her two grandchildren for a "hike".  First of all--you don't ever just go on a "normal" hike when she is in charge of the activity.  (Note to reader--quotation marks surrounding a word indicate a sarcastic tone being taken)  Things were fine at the beginning--we managed to go around an ice covered lake small pond, slid down a hill using the lodge's pizza pan as a sled, and just taking a nice walk on a mountain road-enjoying the snow.

Then it happened--one of the kids wanted to climb this steep mountainside.  It was massive, the top reached into the heavens reminding me of Jack and the Beanstalk--okay, it was steep.  My first thought was a resounding NO; that would be suicide for sure-then I heard her say, "Sure-let's go".  They had already started climbing so I followed--grabbing trees as I moved upward--trying to breathe as the air was thinning the higher we went.  I can remember yelling up at her that if one of the kids fell--we couldn't catch them.

Her reply was this, "The trees will catch them!"

I love that phrase!  If things had been reversed and I was in charge--we would not have climbed the mountain.  I have a tendency to see death and mayhem at every turn and the kids would have missed out on an awesome experience.  So I'm making this one of my life phrases--using it when I feel the need to pull back instead of going forward and experiencing something new.

Note to Sister-In-Law:  You Knew This Was Coming!


Susan Rowe said...

I love this... You knew you would have fun!

You write so well. I always enjoy reading your posts! Love you!

jaa said...

Yes, I have been waiting for something "wise" from you! You have to admit it was great fun, but I think you may have exaggerated the size of the mountain just a bit! I am so glad my brother brought you into our family. It has been great fun. I really do love you.