Friday, December 24, 2010

To Bleach or Not to Bleach?

So we are standing by the washer, my husband and I, having one of "those" discussions.  You know, the ones where somebody is about to infringe on your area of expertise.

"You know the towels have a slight kind of smell lately," announced my husband--as I'm loading towels.

"I know, that's why I add bleach to the towels every now and then," I answered sweetly.

"You know the washer has something called a bleach dispenser, it's right here," he pointed out triumphantly.

Okay, by this point I already knew where this discussion was headed--and it wasn't in my favor.  Did I know there was a bleach dispenser--yes, I have eyes.  I'm trying to mentally maneuver around him and come up ahead.  So I stall--

"How is your life going so far?  Everything going okay with the bank?  Talk to me about your hunting--I love it when you describe the kill!"

"How do you put in the bleach?"--Drats (yes, it is a word) he is sooooo focused.

"I just dump some in after I put in the towels."

First of all he knew this going into the conversation--I'm not ashamed--it's how I roll (with the bleach).

"Oh, that's why our towels have big bleach spots all over them.  If you would just pour a little bleach in this dispenser--it eliminates the beach blobs and our towels will always smell great!"

Secondly, it amazes me that he has held this little nugget of information inside for almost 30 years (yes--30).

"Really? That's so sweet of you to tell me this, (how to do the laundry since I've been doing it solo for 30 years--I thought inside my head)   I am so open to a new way of doing things," I said adoringly as I gazed into his eyes.

Thirdly, guess who puts the bleach into the dispenser?  Yes, I guess it's true that you are never to young to learn a new trick!

*I am taking a technology sabbatical during the next week.  I am heading up to Ohio with my daughter & son-in-law and then over to South Carolina for a few days.  Keep me bookmarked--and check back after the New Years!

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

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